Monday 1 June 2015

Sketchbook 2014-15 (Personal Reflections)

Beginning with reflections.

               The first few days.
 The writing confuses me too now.
I don't even drink tea regularly.

 After binge-eating m&ms.

 Sketches and musings.
 Nine aspects.

 The child?

The me.                         

Sketchbook 2014-15 (The Outside)

The sketchbook was started at the beginning of my final year in high school (also the year I moved to Canada). After the monotony that was O Level art, this new course was a 180 degree turn. While there were some aspects of the course that I did not like as much, the sketchbook was one that I truly enjoyed.

The first task we were given was to design a cover for our sketchbook. I played around with impasto and collage, and created here a colourful image.
Front cover
 The back cover was, incidentally, an accident. I had been experimenting with paint and made an image on paper, and just for fun, stuck it on the plain black backside of the book.
Back Cover
 The very last touch to this was the addition of the date it was started and the date it was completed.

Front view
 The classes really didn't have much structure, and we were free to do whatever we wanted. As the shy, awkward new girl, I scribbled away in the sketchbook - and it grew. By the end of October, it was no longer flat (and also a pain to carry around). Even when the course ended in January, I continued researching and brainstorming in the still incomplete book. Most importantly, it was my outlet - the creative journal that had the angry outbursts and the pangs of longing - and now, the very last page has been filled.
First page
Last page

Sunday 31 May 2015

Quilled Swan

Quilled Lion

The Phone-case Phenomenon

(A painted phone case that is now unfortunately breaking, but my attachment to the picture makes me hold on to it)



After searching for a silver/grey animal for ages, and after a failed attempt at making a CD koala, I realized how beautiful a seahorse is, and this new piece formed.


The markhor, being the national animal of Pakistan, was a natural choice for a portfolio in which I had to reflect myself - and my heritage as a Pakistani has had a large impact on my personality, artwork, and writing.


I'm always on a lookout for animals that have interesting silhouettes, and from broken CDs I create their form. 

Graph it!